We have launched a brand new Wing Chun Series! Welcome to Wing Chun is our beginner/introductory series on Wing Chun Kung Fu, a Southern Chinese martial art style.
The series will cover the background, theory and basic training over the course of one month. Each lesson is broken down into a series of short lessons and drills that will feature in short to medium (5-20minute) YouTube videos and will be supported by blog posts here on the website.
The YouTube videos will fall into two main categories:
Kung Fu Theory
Practical Demos
You can find the initial few videos here:
Week 1: How do we train (AVideo
Week 1: Opening the Basic Stance (Video 1 of Week 1)
More videos released each week until there is a full month of introductory material that you can use as a solid foundation for your Wing Chun training. Let me know how your practice goes!